
Rolldock ships dredger to Mozambique

PRESS RELEASE – Rolldock is transporting Jan de Nul’s backhoe dredger Gian Lorenzo Bernini from Rhenus’ terminal in Cuxhaven to Mozambique. The dredger was floated into the hold of Rolldock’s semisubmersible vessel, Rolldock Sea. 

Thanks to the 140-metre long and 24-metre wide semisubmersible vessel, the process of transhipping the floating excavator platform passed off without any problems, says Rhenus.

This dredger was floated into the vessel at water level using the natural flow of the river Elbe and the help of two tugs. Crucial for the completion of this move was the deep draft in the port. Cuxport’s berth 4 has a draft of 15 metres.

“Transhipping goods is not only possible by lifting and rolling processes at Cuxport, but also by floating – anything is possible and is professionally handled in line with our multipurpose objective”, says Roland Schneider, head of business development at Cuxport.

The Rolldock Sea is now heading to the next place of deployment for the Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Mozambique, where it will be involved in the construction of an LNG terminal. According to the vessel’s AIS data, it will arrive at its discharge location on December 25th. The vessel is sailing around the cape of South Africa.

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Author: Adnan Bajic

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Rolldock ships dredger to Mozambique | Project Cargo Journal

Rolldock ships dredger to Mozambique

PRESS RELEASE – Rolldock is transporting Jan de Nul’s backhoe dredger Gian Lorenzo Bernini from Rhenus’ terminal in Cuxhaven to Mozambique. The dredger was floated into the hold of Rolldock’s semisubmersible vessel, Rolldock Sea. 

Thanks to the 140-metre long and 24-metre wide semisubmersible vessel, the process of transhipping the floating excavator platform passed off without any problems, says Rhenus.

This dredger was floated into the vessel at water level using the natural flow of the river Elbe and the help of two tugs. Crucial for the completion of this move was the deep draft in the port. Cuxport’s berth 4 has a draft of 15 metres.

“Transhipping goods is not only possible by lifting and rolling processes at Cuxport, but also by floating – anything is possible and is professionally handled in line with our multipurpose objective”, says Roland Schneider, head of business development at Cuxport.

The Rolldock Sea is now heading to the next place of deployment for the Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Mozambique, where it will be involved in the construction of an LNG terminal. According to the vessel’s AIS data, it will arrive at its discharge location on December 25th. The vessel is sailing around the cape of South Africa.

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Author: Adnan Bajic

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