Topic: Multipurpose shipping

AAL services over 30 shippers in one sailing

ShippingPRESS RELEASE – The AAL Kembla recently set sail from Rotterdam to Shanghai loaded with 15,000 tonnes of breakbulk and steel commodity cargoes, including private yachts, a mobile harbour crane, 16 power transformers, a dredger...Read more
|Comment|author: Adnan Bajic

Charter rates rise above 10,000 dollars

ShippingThe charter rates continue their upward trend and have now broken through the 10,000 dollar barrier. While the rates are up 61% year-on-year, shipping broker Toepfer Transport says the current levels do not represent record...Read more
|Comment|author: Adnan Bajic

Charter rates continue to shoot up sharply

Charter ratesDemand for multipurpose vessels is booming. The charter rates have shot up by 7.6% month on month to USD 8,902 on average, shows Toepfer’s Multipurpose Shipping Index. That is nearly 18% more than this time last...Read more
|Comment|author: Adnan Bajic

AAL adds two G-class vessels to its fleet

ShippingAAL Shipping is taking delivery of two additional G-class multipurpose vessels, expanding its core fleet to 720,200 total deadweight (dwt). The Pacific Action and AAL Gladstone have both served in the AAL fleet before and...Read more
|Comment|author: Adnan Bajic

Drewry: charter rates will continue upward trend

Charter ratesDrewry’s Multipurpose Time Charter Index confirms that MPV-operators are experiencing an upward trend in charter rates to beyond pre-pandemic levels. The conditions are expected to at least last as long as the disruptions in the...Read more
|Comment|author: Adnan Bajic

Charter rates exceed pre-pandemic level

Almost exactly one year after the Covid-19 pandemic hit Europe, the charter rates for multipurpose and heavy-lift vessels are back at their pre-pandemic level and even passed it. The average day rate for a geared...Read more
|Comment|author: Adnan Bajic